Did you know?
What are the relevant facts to know about how unit-linked life insurance works? Find out in this section.
Latest publications

Reading time: 5 mn
Assignments of debt and pledges
What are the differences and similarities between an assignment of debt and a pledge of a life insurance policy?

Reading time: 5 mn
Pledges on life insurance policies: a game worth betting on
The new role of banks in Italy in the case of pledge of a life insurance policy.

Reading time: 3 min
Sportsmen and the need for an all-round wealth planning.
Professional sportsmen and women: why carry out asset planning as soon as possible.

Reading time: 3 min
Cryptocurrencies and Luxembourg unit-linked policies
Can you hold cryptocurrencies in a Luxembourg life insurance policy?

Reading time: < 10 min
Life insurance policies and beneficiary clauses in France
The beneficiary clause in France.

Reading time: 3 min
Transfers via capitalisation policies in France
How to optimise transfers in France thanks to capitalisation policies?

Reading time: < 5 min
What roles do the accepting beneficiary and the irrevocable beneficiary have when there is a guarantee on the policy?
The role of the beneficiary in securing the life insurance contract.

Reading time: < 5 min
Real estate and life insurance policies: an interesting alternative
Investing through unlisted real estate companies

Reading time: 7 min
Socially responsible investments: a rapidly growing sector
What are the possibilities for giving a sustainable dimension to your life insurance policy?